Imada Cedar I-80 Electric Screwdriver Torque Tester, 70 lb-in / 7.8 Nm Capacity

Price: $ 2,327.00

Imada Cedar Series I Torque Calibrators for Non-Impact Power Drivers & Manual Wrenches
3 ranges up to 130 lb-in
Units of measure: lb-in, oz-in, kg-cm, N-cm and N-m (selectable)
USB Data Output

The Imada Cedar Series I Torque Calibrators for Non-Impact Power Drivers & Manual Wrenches measure the peak torque of non-impact electric/air drivers. Under tightened bolts and screws do not generate sufficient clamp force and can lead to loosening and assembly failure. Over tightening, past the yield point, permanently deforms the screw joint and can also lead to failure which is why proper tightening torque is so important. Manual torque wrenches can also be calibrated.

Unique Smart Adapters
The unique Smart Adapters simulate the screw joint and do not need to be backed-off after each test. This features increases testing efficiency and ease of use by reducing the time between each test. Results can be downloaded through the USB port for analysis with data acquisition software. The Series i torque calibrators are compatible with SW-1SV-USB software.

The peak torque or peak down torque in breakaway tests is captured automatically. The Series i torque calibrator displays Max, Min and Avg statistics. The tester can read values in lbf-in, kgf-cm, N-cm and N-m.

Whats Included
All series i torque testers are sold in kit form complete with tester, hard carrying case, 2 driver adapters and AC charger/adapter. All testers come with a 3-Point Certificate traceable to NIST. ISO Certificates are available at an additional charge.

Do not use with impact or air tools (Ask for DI-1M impact wrench torque tester).

Kit Contents

  • Imada Cedar Series I Torque Calibrators for Non-Impact Power Drivers & Manual Wrenches
  • 2 smart adapters
  • AC adapter
  • NIST-Traceable Calibration certificate
  • Instruction manual
  • Foam fitted aluminum carrying case


  • Capacities up to 174 lb-in / 20 Nm
  • Selectable units lbf-in, Kgf-cm, N-cm and N-m
  • Programmable High/Low setpoints with audible beep for uniform torque tightening or GO/NO GO testing
  • 2 driver adapters included: i-8 & i-80 come with smart adapters, CD-150 & DI-11 come with spring adapters
  • Peak, Real Time and Peak Down measuring modes (selectable)
  • Measure both clockwise and counterclockwise
  • USB virtual COM port sends peak (1 data) or continuous data (12 or 180 data/second)
  • Statistics: number of data, Max, Min, Avg
  • Heavy-duty metal construction
  • Runs on internal NiCad batteries or AC adapter
  • 3/8 drive for socket wrenches

Force Ranges

i-87 lb-in
8 kg-cm
78.6 N-cm
0.001 lb-in
0.001 kg-cm
0.01 N-cm
i-8070 lb-in
80 kg-cm
7.86 Nm
0.01 lb-in
0.01 Kg-cm
0.001 Nm
CD-150M130 lb-in
150 kg-cm
15 Nm
0.1 lb-in
0.1 Kg-cm
0.01 Nm
DI-11174 lb-in
200 kg-cm
20 Nm
0.1 lb-in
0.1 Kg-cm
0.01 Nm

Accuracy: 0.5% F.S., 1 LSD


Specifications Standard Driver Adapters (2 included)

AdapterSmart Adapters
Range2 lb-in9 lb-in18 lb-in53 lb-in
Mechanical life10,000 hrs.8,000 hrs.5,000 hrs.
Screw on top6-326-328-321/4-20
Plug to socket3/8" square x 5/32" (20 mm square x 4 mm)

AdapterSpring Adapters
Range8 ~ 50 lb-in50 ~ 130 lb-in8 ~ 50 lb-in50 ~ 175 lb-in
Mechanical life2500 times
Screw on top5/16-183/8-165/16-183/8-16
Plug to socket3/8" square x 5/32" (20 mm square x 4 mm)

Optional Metric Smart Driver Adapters

Model numberOW-025OW-10OW-20OW-60
Range25 N-cm100 N-cm200 N-cm600 N-cm
Screw on topM2P0.4M3P0.5M4P0.7M6P1

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Product Price
Imada Cedar I-80 Electric Screwdriver Torque Tester, 70 lb-in / 7.8 Nm Capacity $2,327.00
Accessories Price
SS-208 USB Data Output Cable (formerly CB-208) $59.00
SW-1SV-USB Data Acquisition Software $286.00
NISTCAL-17025 $286.00
OW-025E Spare / Replacement OW-025E Smart Adapter $372.00
OW-10E Spare / Replacement OW-10E Smart Adapter $372.00
OW-20E Spare / Replacement OW-20E Smart Adapter $372.00
OW-60E Spare / Replacement OW-60E Smart Adapter $372.00
SJ-50E Spring Adapter, 50 lb-in, 5/16-18 screw $254.00



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